Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Your full name *Your position *TeacherInternMonth *JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovember DecemberYear *Mention the list of total students you teach (without IELTS students) *Mention the number of IELTS Groups in which you teach *Write the full names of students who are not responsible or weak (please mention the group name and reason) *Sample: Aysu Aliyeva - B2 Group 1 - Irresponsible, misses homeworkWrite the full names of students who are responsible and diligent (please mention the group name and reason) *Sample: Aysu Aliyeva - B2 Group 1 - Irresponsible, misses homeworkMention the number of students who suspended from your classes (please mention their names and groups) *Mention the students whom you no longer see in your groups.Total hours worked in this month *Please make sure that this figure matches the information in Proofhub (Time section).What projects were you involved during this month? *IELTSTOEFLDuolingoEnglishGMATGRESATForeign language (German, French)Trial exam CopywritingOther jobPlease specify if necessaryPlease specify in what kind of projects you were working. If you wrote a motivation letter or helped with some copywriting job, please mention their numbers and names of students.Submit61153