
10 GRE Words every week – List 1

Here are 10 GRE Words for this week:


Meaning – Not decisive, hesitant

Example – Irresolute people cannot be leaders.

2. Unruly

Meaning – Disorderly, without array

Example – Unruly behaviour/hair

3. Anarchy

Meaning – Tumult, turmoil, chaos

Example – Anarchy in this society leads to problems and stagnation

4. Reckless

Meaning – Rash, showing ignorance, disregard

Example – Reckless behaviour of people, reckless driving

5. Heedless

Meaning – Not paying attention

Example – Heedless people are often brave.

6. Trifling

Meaning – Trivial, not important

Example – trifling details.

7. Inconsiderate

Meaning – Thoughtless, reckless

Example – It was inconsiderate of him not to congratulate her.

8. Imbibe

Meaning – receive, accept, take (absorb)

Example – Imbibe alcohol/ information/ values / traditions

9. Permeate

Meaning – affect everyone/everything, penetrate

Example – The law permeated all levels of society / smell permeated the room

10. Porous

Meaning – 1) having many holes 2) not being protected

Example – sponges are porous
